Drawing the Line: A Passionate Life

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Sometimes words paint their own pictures. Drawing The Line is the recollections of Susan Gardner, from her early childhood to last love. It covers the indifference of her mother to her married life as a diplomat’s wife to finally living life in Santa Fe. It is a life filled with a need to be herself, and finding just who that self is, from having to subvert herself into the expectations of the era she lived in to the expectations she had for herself. She always lived up to what was expected of her, and although that was an issue in the beginning, she eventually found a way to be what she expected to be.

It is a fascinating look at a woman’s life. Each journal is a a verbal painting of what was happening at that time. A snapshot isn’t quite accurate, as even the most meticulous picture takes but a moment to capture. Here it is in brush strokes, with each word chosen for particular effect like one would with colors. It makes each event stand out, and allows each to be seen clearer in its own context. In a strange way, each entry is like a page in a comic book, able to be seen in its own context, and growing stronger from the greater context of the total experience. Although there is no plot to speak of, that’s fine as it’s the study of a life and not a story.

Drawing The Line is a beautiful story of a woman’s struggle to be herself. For those looking for a personal exploration of the last six decades, and a peek into the formation of an artist, this is a fun read.

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Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 271 pages
Publisher Red Mountain Press
Publish Date 01-Sep-2011
ISBN 9780979986550
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue September 2011
Category Biographies & Memoirs


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