Two college roommates/medical students, Eli and Victor, experiment on each other to try and develop superhero powers. Something goes devastatingly wrong and one of them ends up in prison. He breaks out and is now on the path to revenge. Actually they both want revenge for different reasons.║I had such a difficult time finishing this one, let me just say that I absolutely loved Victoria Schwab’s Near Witch (which is YA) but with Vicious, I kept putting it down because it didn’t really hold my attention. I couldn’t connect with the characters because I didn’t really feel like they had many, if any, redeeming qualities. Another thing that bothered me was that there were several scenes told from multiple POVs and every other chapter was a flashback, after a while this got to be too repetitive, to a point that it just made the pace of the book so slow it was like trudging through mud. ║I feel like Vicious tries too hard to be original by telling an anti-hero story and yet it completely fails. The characters try to be dark and mysterious but they just come off as annoying and without any real purpose, especially after you find out what really led to them becoming enemies.
Author | |
Star Count | 2/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 368 pages |
Publisher | Tor Books |
Publish Date | 2013-Sep-24 |
ISBN | 9780765335340 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | April 2014 |
Category | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
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