Once Upon a Lie
Once Upon a Lie is a completely engrossing story of a woman who’s moving through life one day at a time. Her father is slipping into Alzheimer’s and occasionally goes AWOL from the care home. Her marriage collapsed when the man she had loved traded her in for a newer model, leaving her with two daughters to bring up. One is every parent’s dream – hard working and completely dedicated to optimizing her GPA so she can get away from this town. The other is the more usual rebellious teen and her business is only marginally successful.
Then someone murders her cousin. Unfortunately, her father was missing from the home and becomes a suspect. This adds to her burden as she tries to find a way in which to defend him when he can’t remember what he was doing. Perhaps because she’s more usually sensitive, she also notices an abusive husband and father in the neighborhood. She becomes obsessed by the idea of intervening. Life grows increasingly stressful as the police step up the pressure on her father. What can she do to protect the ones she loves? The answer is intense and satisfying.
Author | |
Star Count | 4.5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 304 pages |
Publisher | Minotaur |
Publish Date | 2013-Dec-10 |
ISBN | 9781250011671 |
Bookshop.org | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2014 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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