Natural Eye Care, Your Guide to Healthy Vision & Healing

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Natural Eye Care: Your Guide To Healthy Vision & Healing is a comprehensive book about science-proven holistic modalities by Dr. Marc Grossman (the leading integrative optometrist, acupuncturist, pioneer, educator in this field) and Michael Edson, MS. LAc (acupuncturist).

It starts with explaining the anatomy and physiology of the eye which is helpful to someone who is interested in eye health who is not already a healthcare professional in this field. The book then goes on to explain the importance of nutrients to the human eye. It gives tips on healthy eating, vitamins and minerals necessary for eye health, and the importance of antioxidants to reduce the chances of getting eye diseases such as cataracts. Each vitamin and mineral is broken down to explain why our bodies need it. I especially loved the chapters on Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is Dr. Grossman’s expertise that makes this book different than any other. Dr. Grossman, co-author, is a ground-breaking pioneer, an integrative optometrist, acupuncturist, and expert in Chinese Medicine, and his expertise and wide array of tools and approaches (including lifestyle strategies, nutrition, yoga, Ayurveda, and naturapathy) are just one factor of this book that makes the book unique. Learning about how acupuncture and acupressure, as well as Chinese herbs, can help to treat diseases and deficiencies of the eye is done not as an overview but with very descriptive techniques. Also included in the book are how drugs, both pharmaceuticals and street drugs, have an effect on our eye health. There are both good and bad drug reactions when it comes to eye health.

Before reading Natural Eye Care: Your Guide To Healthy Vision & Healing, I was unaware of just how many eye conditions and disorders there were. Most people have heard of near and farsightedness and even astigmatism, but did you know there are conditions such as Keratoconus (a protruding cornea) and Stargardt Disease (inherited macular dystrophy in young people)? Most of the book is made up of all of these conditions, their descriptions and causes, signs and symptoms, causes and risk factors, conventional treatment, complementary approach, lifestyle, other modalities and treatments that are on the horizon. I, personally, will be trying some of the supplements suggested as well as the diet and exercise recommendations given. Juicing to improve overall retinal health and doing eye exercises to support healthy eye circulation and reduce possible vision loss are just two easy ways to keep our eyes healthy.

This book is a gem because it includes information that most school textbooks do not. I was fascinated by the amount of research Drs. Grossman and Edson did to create this masterpiece. All of their references are included at the end of each chapter. Easy to read and follow, this book should be on every person’s bookshelf.

Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing from AHPR Group on Vimeo.

Reviewed By:

Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 800 pages
Publisher Natural Eye Care, Inc
Publish Date 2019-01-15
ISBN 9780692074312 Buy this Book
Issue August 2019
Category Health, Fitness & Dieting


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