Moon Luck
Moon Luck by Wayne Scott Harral was an exceptional read. The story follows the tale of many scientists and researchers stationed on the Moon in their home away from home, which they call Venturous. In this novel, researchers have lived quite successfully on the moon for ten years with the help of incredible technology. They have greenhouses for Moon-grown plants, gyms with mechanical friction devices that work the same as weight training, sound sphere speakers, and so much more. Members of the Moon station are all associated with different organizations—NASA, SpaceX, ESA, etc. Together, the crew spends their days working on research and projects, getting physical exercise, socializing in their dining area, and relishing the once in a lifetime experience to live on the Moon.
All seems to be going well in space. The crew seems to be happy, productive, and motivated. SpaceTime video calls back to Earth are full of reports of good news and team morale seems to be high. Until, one day, a horrific incident occurs. One of the members of the crew dies in an explosion. Initially, this occurrence appears to be a horrible accident. The crew members were aware they were signing up for a very dangerous mission, and unfortunately, injuries happen. However, after apparently corrupted video footage is found, foul play comes into question. It appears someone may have intentionally killed a fellow crewmate. But who? And more importantly, why?
I really enjoyed reading Harral’s novel. The creativity and uniqueness of this story set it apart from others in the genre. As Harral points out, it is only a matter of time before human exploration on the Moon is more common. In the future, with further technological advances, the moon could potentially be an extraterrestrial body we reside on. I love how he capitalized on this idea and turned it into such an enjoyable story for his audience. He addresses and answers all the questions concerning viable life on the Moon, while still making the story eventful and worthwhile.
I also loved the mystery component of this novel. Everyone can enjoy a good murder mystery, and although I have never read of a murder on the Moon, I loved how the plot played out! I think Harral especially did a great job with the criminal investigation. With agents and doctors working on the case both from the Moon and from Earth, it was clear Harral had well-thought out his plot and all the loose strings beforehand to craft a book that seemed very realistic.
Overall, I would highly recommend Moon Luck to all readers, especially those who enjoy murder mysteries and books concerning space.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 338 pages |
Publisher | ReadersMagnet LLC |
Publish Date | 28-Nov-2021 |
ISBN | 9781956780178 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | August 2022 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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