The Mist: A Thriller
The Mist is the third installment in the Hidden Iceland series focusing on one of Hulda’s earlier cases that she is assigned on returning to work after a family tragedy. Multiple bodies are found at an isolated farmhouse that has been there for months. As Hulda investigates, she discovers that the couple who lived there had a stranger visit who is connected to her case right before she left work. What was he doing out there, so far from the city and could he be responsible for the horror she now sees? Hulda will learn that some will go to extreme lengths to avenge those they love.
Ragnar Jónasson has a masterful way of writing. Even though this is the third book, the story is told in reverse, with book one being Hulda’s last case and this being one of her earlier ones. It is so interesting to read a story where you already know how it ends, but not how it got there. The author does an amazing job unfolding the story slowly keeping you in suspense for all three books even though from the beginning it’s clear who will be dead. You find yourself reading on hoping for a different outcome, knowing that can’t possibly happen as you’ve basically read the end at the beginning. I also love how the author gives you a glimpse into everyone’s perspective, not just Hulda’s so that it’s not your typical police procedural. I highly recommend this series.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 302 pages |
Publisher | Minotaur Books |
Publish Date | 2020-06-23 |
ISBN | 9781250768117 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | July 2020 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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