On the Wings of a Dove: Inspirational Poems Reflecting the Power of the Holy Spirit

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Of the three aspects of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is probably the most overlooked. Jesus is seen as the Saviour, God as Creator and Father. But the Holy Spirit isn’t often invoked, except during Pentecost and in reference to the acts done in His name. One of the primary roles of the Holy Spirit is that of Paraclete, or one who intercedes, supports or acts as an advocate, particularly in times of trial. Lawrence’s collection of poetry, On the Wings of a Dove, focuses on that role, celebrating and acknowledging the need for the peace and comfort the Holy Spirit offers to Christians. Some of the poems provide a seed to meditate on, others just focus on the peace and comfort the Spirit offers.

While the poems are, by nature, religiously focused, most Christians won’t find any denominational differences in Lawrence’s interpretation of the Holy Spirit’s place in their lives. His use of the image of a dove for the Holy Spirit is based on the baptism of Jesus, where he rose up from the waters, and the “Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him” (Matthew 3:16), is continued throughout the poems and provides a visual reminder of the grace and peace offered by the Spirit. On the Wings of a Dove would be a good gift for a friend going though a personal crisis or facing emotional turmoil.

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Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 200 pages
Publisher iUniverse
Publish Date 05-Sep-2009
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue January 2010
Category Religion


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