Back to myself:Or my way towards happiness
What language could capture the elegance and the rapture of the soul in contemplation of its beauty, its moments of ecstatic joy and lonesome languor but simplicity? Back to Myself: Or My Way towards Happiness by Anna Iourenkova is a charming collection of poems that will delight many lovers of meaningful verses. In this collection, the poet offers humankind a treasure of her moments of contemplation of life and happiness, it’s a poetry that candidly celebrates the beauty and pain, the triumphs and failures of life, and it is evocative of the different seasons of the human soul in quest of happiness. As one reads Iourenkova, one gets the feeling that one was seeking sense in the very different moments and emotions that flood the human spirit.
Back to Myself: Or My Way towards Happiness features poems in a wide range of themes, including the essence of humanity, loneliness, creative solitude, communion, finding meaning in pain, heaven, nature, and a lot more. The language, though simple, is lyrical, and at times, it flows with an unusual burst of insight and wisdom. In “A Hug Can Save,” for instance, the poet captures the beauty of communion when she points out how painful solitude can be: “When no one sees them, / they can cry. / When no one hears them, / they blame the skies.” The acute melancholy of some of the lines will be a welcome delight to those who love Tennyson’s “In Memoriam.”
Some of the poems are short and deceptively simple, but they are packed with a rare intensity of emotions and love. The imagery is vivid and reminiscent of the overall context within which the poems are written. This collection will undoubtedly appeal to a wide audience, especially those looking for interesting poetry to read. In fact, Iourenkova writes as though she were singing.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | eBook |
Page Count | 234 pages |
Publisher | Back to myself:Or my way towards happiness |
Publish Date | 25-Nov-2015 |
ISBN | | | Buy this Book |
Issue | April 2016 |
Category | Poetry & Short Stories |
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