American Ghost Stories: True Tales from All 50 States (The Real Unexplained! Collection)

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In American Ghost Stories, author Michael Kozlowski will take you on a journey through every state, claiming true tales of hauntings. Haunted highways, homes, and hotels are believed to exist all over this country, and Kozlowski has taken the time and effort to research a story from each state. Besides eyewitness accounts of hauntings, you’ll also get to read about the histories and legends from which the stories originate. For all those paranormal fans out, pick up this book and start planning your next road trip.

This book wasn’t quite what I expected. I anticipated more ghost stories and atmosphere, but this reads more like a guidebook with facts and information, most of which is subjective. While I don’t doubt that many people have had supernatural experiences, it’s a bit of a leap to say that proves the existence of ghosts and that all these stories are true. The author even points out in many of the cases that the stories have changed many times and are even known to be false. If you want a history lesson, albeit not an entirely accurate one, this is the book for you.

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Star Count 3/5
Format Trade
Page Count 272 pages
Publisher Visible Ink Press
Publish Date 19-Sep-2023
ISBN 9781578597994 Buy this Book
Issue September 2023
Category Horror