by Daniela McVicker | Jun 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
There’s no doubt that the rise of social media has changed the rules of book marketing. Irrespective of the type of book you are promoting, you will need social media to stand out from your competition. Writers need social media to make themselves visible and attract...
by Susan Burrowes | Feb 28, 2019 | Articles, Writer to Writer
Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Susan Burrowes’s July 2018 article “Writing is Only the Beginning: A Look into an Author’s Prepublication Journey.” When you write about yourself and your family, there is a risk. In this era of rudeness,...
by Karma Bennett | May 10, 2018 | Articles, Book Marketing, Resources for Writers, Writer to Writer
12 Ways to Market Your Book (Despite the Facebook Apocalypse) You may have noticed that your posts on Facebook aren’t getting as much traction as they used to—epecially the important posts promoting your book. Yikes. It’s what marketing pros are calling “Facebook...
by editor | Feb 14, 2018 | Articles, Resources for Writers, Writer to Writer, Writing Process
By Brian Feinblum My wife is a nutritionist. She’s naturally thin but watches her weight and exercises regularly. She knows many of her patients have to physically and psychologically work at it if they are to avoid being casualties of obesity or diabetes....
by editor | Jan 11, 2018 | Articles, Book Marketing, Book Publishing, Resources for Writers, Writer to Writer
By Ross Rojek Recently, an author we’re working with wanted to know how we could help him sell more books, but didn’t want to do anything with social media. “Facebook doesn’t sell books, Amazon does!” was his statement. This brings up a whole host of issues that I...