Woman in the Shadows: A Novel

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I am just slightly disappointed in this melodrama I read called Woman in the Shadows by Jane Thynne. Honestly, I was not aware that this book was part of a series, and so it was a bit frustrating for me. There was a lot of plot and details alluded to in this story that I could not get a grasp of, having not read the other books. There seemed to be too much going on and not enough to tie in to the basic story line that originally drew me in. There were good points in this novel: first, its discussion of the Nazi regime and the leaders from much more intimate angles than most history books would have, and second, it also actually provided a strong female lead character who has brains as well as looks. Still, the story line kept getting swept away with minor characters and interactions that felt forced and unnatural. I couldn’t quite fall into this novel as I would have liked. However, I’d still recommend it to others if they enjoy espionage and the pre-World War II era in general, and if they’ve read the other books in the series first.

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Star Count 3.5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 480 pages
Publisher Ballantine Books
Publish Date 2016-09-06
ISBN 9780553394405
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue November 2016
Category Historical Fiction


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