Train a Dog, But Raise the Child; a Practical Primer
LOCAL AUTHORTrain a Dog, but Raise the Child by Dorit Winter is a thought-provoking book that compares training a dog and raising children. The book focuses on the very nature of children and their thought processes and how our own inconsistencies as parents and caregivers can create everyday challenges. As an educator, Dorit has spent many hours with children and understands the power of teaching our children to learn and think for themselves as they grow into responsible adults. As a homeschooling mom of six children and former school teacher, I found the book inspiring and well thought out. This book reinforced many of my own thoughts on understanding and reading the children with whom you are working and meeting their needs in a way that is suitable for them and also on remaining firm and consistent in a loving way. The book, although serious in nature, mixes in humorous tales of training her dog, Scamp, making the book a quick and easy read full of useful and practical information. Ms. Winter has successfully merged the relation between animals and children in a unique and pleasant way so that the reader can recognize the many similarities yet also speak to their differences. I will definitely be sharing this book with others!
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 220 pages |
Publisher | Dandelion Publications/CreateSpace |
Publish Date | 2017-May-03 |
ISBN | 9781545441992 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2018 |
Category | Parenting & Families |
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