Time Travel: The Science and Science Fiction

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The notion of time travel has provided the ingredients for entertaining science fiction literature and movies for decades. From The Time Machine to Dr. Who, Back to the Future to Planet of the Apes, the idea of traveling to worlds and eras long passed has proved attractive to large audiences.

The ability to journey into the past or future in real life has been viewed with skepticism by many scientists. However, there are people who have relayed experiences in the past hundred years or more that challenge mainstream science. The possible disappearance and later reappearance of a Navy ship (USS Eldridge) in 1943 to a modern day Nostradamus (John Titor) who appeared in late 2000 claiming to be from the future are only a portion of the stories contained within Time Travel.

Here, Nick Redfern (The New World Order Book, Cover-ups and Secrets) pens a fascinating and unputdownable book about time travel. Redfern takes an even-handed approach in examining the remarkable accounts of time leaps, paranormal events, or even encounters that approach the truly sinister. The believers and the skeptics will find agreement in the compelling work done by author Redfern.

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Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 352 pages
Publisher Visible Ink Press
Publish Date 05-Oct-2021
ISBN 9781578597239
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Issue February 2022
Category Science Fiction & Fantasy