The Widow
The Widow by Fiona Barton is an intriguing novel that will grab it’s readers and take them on one of the darkest adventures of all time. I have not yet read Girl on the Train nor Gone Girl. Therefore I can’t say if this novel compares to those titles or not, but I can say that this is definitely a great read for all. In the beginning, readers are basically taken to who the bad guy is…however, there is still the mystery of did this husband really do it or not. Readers will find themselves immersed in the plot as it is retold by three different people. These three people include the wife, a reporter, and a man set out to prove the wife’s husband is indeed the guilty one. What was truly remarkable was the wife’s reaction to the death of her husband…the way she handles the situation causes moments of why isn’t she sad or afraid…or angry…instead readers will find her hiding away from reporters who want all the juicy details on her dead husband.
The Widow is complex, well-written, and it will give readers goosebumps as they read it. Danger, intrigue, a case to solve will lure readers into this brilliant told story by Fiona Barton. I enjoyed reading this steady-paced novel and look forward to reading more by Fiona Barton in the future. Her story telling is amazing. Overall, I recommend this to readers everywhere.
Author | |
Star Count | 4/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 336 pages |
Publisher | NAL |
Publish Date | 16-Feb-2016 |
ISBN | 9781101990261 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | April 2016 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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