The Truth The Whole Truth Nothing but the Truth
There are many religions in the world. There are many people in the world that follow the religion of their choice or upbringing. Christians use the Bible as a tool to guide their faith. However, what if someone told you the message in the Bible was being misinterpreted and/or taught incorrectly? The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing but The Truth by Michael poses this questions and offers exactly what the title says—the truth. Through the use of Bible verses, Michael shares with readers what he says is the true knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of the Lord. There will be skeptics. There will be devout religious followers that agree or disagree. Reading this book will allow you to look at the Bible through another’s eyes and reflect on how you feel and what you believe.
Michael addresses many topics in The Truth, The Whole Truth, Nothing but The Truth that will definitely cause a reaction by readers. This book—should you choose to read it—needs to be read with an open mind as it shares strong opinions about various topics within the Bible. What was evident to me throughout the book is that whether you agree with Michael or not he is very passionate about this topic and the message he shares in this book. He does not hold back and using Bible verses as evidence to back up what he claims to be true, Michael shows you the Bible through his eyes and shares the messages within the Bible as he feels he was meant to do. As long as there are willing readers, there will be religious books to share, defend, and dispute the messages they deliver. What is important is that while there will never be a time where everyone agrees on the topic of religion, it is books like this that start discussions.
Author | |
Star Count | 2/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 364 pages |
Publisher | XlibrisUS |
Publish Date | 12-May-2011 |
ISBN | 9781456895877 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2016 |
Category | Religion |
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