The Scary Kids Club

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The Scary Kids Club is a collection of campfire stories woven into a unique novel by the acclaimed Michael Smolanoff. The story begins with five avid horror-story lovers: Charlie, Mel, Reno, Ralph, and Mary Ann. Each club member must recite two stories brewed from their own imagination or suffer the fate of being locked in the crypt (the location of their endeavors) for the night. Accompanying them are two ghosts who are planning a story of their own, unbeknownst to the children. In turn, they each tell a story, usually involving a ghost, ghoul, zombie, monster, or the like.

Smolanoff displays his style of writing through the storytellers while still portraying their personalities. Although the stories themselves are not particularly bone-chilling or as scary as the title alludes, they are fun to read. The characters in the stories are rather black and white, but the plot lines that surround them make up for their monochromatic personalities. Readers will root for the stories’ characters (and their favorite club member) while wondering exactly what is in store for the Scary Kids themselves.

There is a fuzzy line between what age group would enjoy The Scary Kids Club. While its whimsical cover and meager portion suggests a tween read, some of the content is inappropriately crude. Stereotypes crop up several times, and while Mary Ann is the exception, females in the book are shown as silly, stupid creatures who are used as objects of sensuality and men as chauvinists. More innocent readers might glaze over this fact, but it seems that young adults would have a hard time reading with conflicting feelings. All in all, the plot line is interesting and the descriptive talent employed is good.

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Star Count 3/5
Format Trade
Page Count 170 pages
Publisher Xlibris
Publish Date 01-Sep-2010
ISBN 9781453541463 Buy this Book
Issue October 2010
Category Tweens


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