The Last One: A Novel
The Last One is an innovative fictional tale of one woman’s psychological and physical journey as she competes on a reality television show. This woman, whom the producers refer to as Zoo, is pushed to her limits and faces many challenges. During filming a catastrophe strikes that cuts them off, but it is unknown to these contestants whether it is part of the show or not. And so, Zoo continues on following things she thinks are clues or they might be just her mind to trying to understand and make sense of the world around her.
The premise of this book was very interesting; however, I found it a bit hard to follow because every chapter follows a different timeline. All the even ones are in the third person and follow all of the contestants as they compete on the show. All the odd chapters are from Zoo’s perspective and follow her as she is on the final solo challenge. I honestly found it a bit depressing and the book didn’t seem to make much progress. There wasn’t very much information about what happened to the other contestants or if Zoo ever finds what she’s searching for. I didn’t particularly care for the non-ending.
Author | |
Star Count | 2/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 304 pages |
Publisher | Ballantine Books |
Publish Date | 2016-07-12 |
ISBN | 9781101965085 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | July 2016 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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