The Flood Girls


How do you make amends to an entire town when you’ve burned every bridge that leads there? Rachel Flood doesn’t have all the answers, but she is determined to answer that question and heal herself along the way by heading back home to small town Quinn, Montana. The shadowy figure of Frank, Rachel’s unknown father, passes away and leaves Rachel his trailer home and a charming and flamboyant twelve-year-old neighbor named Jake. Almost falling down around her ears, the trailer is representative of Rachel’s path to healing and forgiveness. Jake will be the best help she could have hoped for, because Jake needs someone to care about him too, and help him learn that being true to yourself matters. Rachel takes Jake under her wing as his best protector and friend, and Jake helps Rachel remember what having a good friend means. As forgiveness in the town progresses, so does the restoration of the trailer home. But Rachel Flood is a 12-step alcoholic determined to make amends to everyone she wronged, including her mother, Laverna Flood, almost the entire population of Quinn, and the women on her mother’s softball team, The Flood Girls. The women in the town who’s marriages … Continue reading The Flood Girls

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