The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
Bernie Rhodenbarr runs Barnaget Books, a throwback bookstore in New York City where customers are dwindling. Thankfully, he has a profitable side gig as a thief. As Bernie and his partner-in-crime Carolyn case a museum for Bernie’s newest criminal client, Bernie is waylaid by a detective who needs Bernie’s help solving a burglary-gone-bad elsewhere in the city. As the murder goes unsolved, a mysterious woman grabs Bernie’s attention, and Bernie’s client’s requests grow more audacious. Can Bernie balance it all and come out on top?
Banter trumps plot in Block’s The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons, an immensely charming book where the characters outshine the story at every turn. (Any exchange between Bernie and Carolyn is a delight, elevating what would otherwise be chatty downtime between major plot points.)
Every mystery story hinges mostly on curious coincidences piling up, and this one is no different. Although the minor ones pile up in fun ways, there’s a crucial coincidence later on that falls flat, leaving the reader a bit annoyed that things wrap up quite so neatly.
For fans of Bernie’s stories, this is no doubt another treat, but newcomers might find the mystery aspect a bit lacking.
Author | |
Star Count | 3.5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 312 pages |
Publisher | Subterranean |
Publish Date | 2015-Apr-30 |
ISBN | 9781596067011 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2015 |
Category | Mystery, Crime, Thriller |
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