The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War

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In The Brothers, Stephen Kinzer focused on the scope of power and influence wielded by the Dulles brothers, Allen (CIA Director) and Foster (Secretary of State), in Washington and abroad during the early period of the Cold War. Their impressive foreign affairs pedigree (grandfather and uncle both served as Secretary of State) allowed them unprecedented access and opportunity to construct (and eventually deconstruct) America’s standing in the global community. Although the Dulleses had convinced politicians and the public that their allegiance was to their country, Kinzer argued that the brothers, who were high-powered attorneys, “sought nothing less than to shape the affairs of all the world for the benefit and well-being of the select, their clients.” How Eisenhower missed it but Truman didn’t could be the topic of Kinzer’s next book. The book was well-written and thoroughly researched, although the pace of The Brothers, at times, was slowed with Kinzer giving away the story before the event actually occurred. Overall, it was a good read that should be on the bookshelf of anyone interested in America’s past and future foreign affairs.

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Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 416 pages
Publisher Times Books
Publish Date 2013-Oct-01
ISBN 9780805094978 Buy this Book
Issue February 2014
Category History


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