Tell Me: What Children Really Want to Know about Bodies, Sex, and Emotions
Children have tons of questions about their bodies. Adults may be uncomfortable with some of them, or may not even know the answers themselves; others try to address children’s questions head-on but talk about what they think children want to or should know, but really don’t answer what the children themselves wonder about. This book answers those questions. The author, a sex-education professional from Germany, asked nine- and-ten-year-old children their questions about sexuality, puberty, pregnancy, and more, and compiled almost a hundred of them into this frank, factual book that presents the answers in a science-based and age-appropriate way. Each question is accompanied by humorous cartoons that reach to the heart of the question. The cartoons may give some audiences pause, so parents will definitely want to preview this book before giving it to their children. They are quite open and candid, showing external genitalia and nude and semi-nude individuals and couples. Although The drawings are neither gratuitous nor titillating, but if they don’t align with parents’ sensibilities the questions and answers could still be read aloud and be extremely helpful. Either way, this is a great book of questions and answers that will spur discussion and help start or continue essential conversations about growing up.
Author | |
Star Count | 4.5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 208 pages |
Publisher | Gecko Press |
Publish Date | 2020-03-03 |
ISBN | 9781776572328 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | April 2020 |
Category | Parenting & Families |
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