Take Pride: Why the Deadliest Sin Holds the Secret to Human Success

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Me, myself, and I just about sums up this delightful sojourn into an often misunderstood state. Jessica Tracy takes a significant stand in portraying the essentials in her informative new book, Take Pride.

Pride appears to be that elusive quality that we tend to believe will boost our self-image and self-worth. Yet the many pitfalls along the way of this state tend to misguide us. Thus a pride-supportive environment tends to enrich a pride state. Pride begets pride. Sure, once we feel good about ourselves, it’s easy to allow it to drive us to subsequent steps that also tend to strengthen our pride.

Jessica Tracy holds impressive credentials as a thinker in psychological discovery at the University of British Columbia. In addition, she has published extensively in psychological journals. She appears to be a new voice in the study of pride. The book is a fun look at a troubling area of study. Although there are places where the text slows a bit, the book is entertaining and informative, guaranteed to stir the mind on a quest for a psychological understanding of human nature.

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Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 256 pages
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publish Date 2016-09-20
ISBN 9780544273177
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue October 2016
Category Science & Nature


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