In the future, all that’s left of humanity is confined to a monstrous train, forever circling the globe, traversing the frigid wastelands of Earth. As the rich while away their time in spacious luxury near the front of the train, the poor struggle to survive in the poorly maintained ghetto at the tail of the train, suffering from illness, overcrowding, violence, and malnutrition. When one man from the tail manages to sneak into the middle of the train, he meets an advocate for the poor and endures a harrowing trip to the front of the train, only to uncover a horrific secret.
Available in English for the first time, Snowpiercer: Volume 1 condenses classic environmental and apocalyptic sci-fi tropes into a single story, offering a singularly weird glimpse at a possible future. In the spirit of Make Room! Make Room! and other dystopian benchmarks, Snowpiercer is bleak and unflinching, offering storytelling as brutal as its setting.
The black and gray overtones to the art only add to the suffocating atmosphere of the setting, as if the reader is also trapped aboard the train, caught with Proloff in each frame, which seem to get smaller as the book progresses.
Author | |
Star Count | 4/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 110 pages |
Publisher | Titan Comics |
Publish Date | 2014-Jan-28 |
ISBN | 9781782761334 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2014 |
Category | Sequential Art |
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