Silence Is Power

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If you’re a fan of police drama on television, you’ve most likely heard one of the actors in the role of a law enforcement officer say: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can or may be used against you.”

This is generally known as the Miranda warning — the basis of this is the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, where individuals are granted certain rights that guarantees protection and cannot be violated without due process. On TV, when these words are uttered, it always seems like a sharp dramatic moment. But in real life, and in the actual heat of the moment, things aren’t always so clear-cut when it doesn’t happen, or even when it does happen.

It is this essence of the Miranda warning, or in most cases, asserting for yourself the right to silence when confronted with law enforcement officers, in order to necessarily protect your constitutional rights, that is at the heart of Prince Adebayo Ogunmeno’s clear and concise book, Silence Is Power: A Lawyer’s Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Police Interrogations and Protecting Your Freedom.

Ogunmeno details the many possible scenarios where you might find the information in this book useful. By doing so, you will learn: what to do when you are pulled over by the police; what the implications are of police interrogation; how to protect fundamental rights and deal with a search warrant; and, what the intricacies of the court process are.

Ogunmeno is well-qualified to write this book. He is a seasoned criminal defense lawyer who has defended many individuals accused of breaking city, state, or federal laws. He wrote this book as a kind of service; to let people know what they need to know to have the confidence in properly and correctly dealing with law enforcement officers, particularly in a number pressure-cooker encounters. To assert one’s basic constitutional rights throughout the entire law enforcement process, the ultimate aim of the book is to protect the wrongfully accused and redeem the innocent.

If you’re a law abiding citizen, if you’re not in trouble, and you have no intentions of running afoul with the law, it is logical to think that you have no need for this book. But still, this is one book that you can’t, and should not, ignore. While it may not be one of the books you’d most likely rush to order online or pick from a bookstore, consider it as a must-read, an insurance policy of sorts. Because whether you like it or not, you have to realize that this is one of the few really important books with the kind of information that you don’t have the luxury of not knowing–for your own sake and for the sake of people you know.

In law, ignorance is not an excuse.

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Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 99 pages
Publisher iUniverse
Publish Date 23-Nov-2009
ISBN Buy this Book
Issue May 2010
Category Self-Help


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