Sherlock Holmes – Cry of the Innocents

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A Catholic priest dies on Sherlock Holmes’s doorstep, apparently killed by cholera. But Holmes suspects something more sinister is going on, and when a second priest dies with the same symptoms, he and Watson travel to a town where secrets abound. And with the Vatican, a suspicious fraternal society, and shady characters all around, Holmes and Watson will need both skill and luck to survive one of their darkest endeavors yet.

Cry of the Innocents is all about the secrets of high society — a well-trodden path for Holmes, to be sure — but manages to feel fresh and engaging despite the familiar ingredients. As the expansive multilayered mystery unfolds, you can’t help but be impressed with the author’s imagination, keeping numerous plates spinning while Holmes and Watson engage in separate investigations.

Although I quite enjoyed the book overall, it was awkward that Holmes kept pointing out medical issues and clues to Dr. Watson. It took the know-it-all aspect of their relationship a step too far and made Watson feel like an incompetent doctor rather than a learned man who simply doesn’t notice everything Holmes does. The imbalance hampered the narrative’s momentum on more than one occasion.

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Star Count 3/5
Format Trade
Page Count 358 pages
Publisher Titan Books
Publish Date 2017-Sep-19
ISBN 9781783297160 Buy this Book
Issue March 2018
Category Mystery, Crime, Thriller


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