Recluce Tales: Stories from the World of Recluce
The lengthy and detailed Recluce saga by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. has long been a favorite among fantasy readers. This new collection, Recluce Tales, features twenty-one short stories set in this complex and detailed world. Most of the stories are brand new, but a few are favorite reprints from other anthologies. The stories span the history of the world, from the time of the angels and the Rational Stars through the founding of Recluce, from the time of Dorrin the engineer up through the time of Lerris the woodworker. Readers who are familiar with some of the past books in the series will no doubt recognize various characters and countries, but even readers who have never picked up a Recluce novel will be able to appreciate these finely-crafted stories and the unique world they are set in. Many will also appreciate the essay at the beginning of the book, in which Modesitt details why he decided to write the series in the first place and how his knowledge of economics, politics, and real-world science shaped the dynamics of Recluce and its neighboring continents. This book is a treat for fantasy lovers.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 480 pages |
Publisher | Tor Books |
Publish Date | 2017-Jan-03 |
ISBN | 9780765386182 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | April 2017 |
Category | Poetry & Short Stories |
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