Love and Errors
Love and Errors is an intense poetry collection by author Kimberly Dark. By the end of the book, there is this odd sensation as though you stepped into the narrator’s body for the length of the book. She has such a way of taking you out of your thoughts and telegraphing everything that she is experiencing into your brain. One of the many subjects that keeps appearing is living in a world as a lesbian and how that world views her. It is a viewpoint that I have not come across many times in my life, and it is one that I will certainly treasure. The tone of the narration is haunting. Sometimes it is difficult to read the words on the page because it is so real, and it is someone’s own living nightmare. It is also educational in some respects, one of those being the presence of the word “mana” that was new to me and comes from the Hawaiian culture meaning “your spirit or life force.” One of the poems that resonated the most was “All I Have of Her Are Photos,” which is one that many will be able to relate to, as we all have a relative who we have never met. This book is exceptional in every way and will help to heal those who are in need of healing.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | eBook |
Page Count | 86 pages |
Publisher | Puna Press, LLC |
Publish Date | 2018-Apr-02 |
ISBN | 9780998372815 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | September 2018 |
Category | Poetry & Short Stories |
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