L.I.F.E. in the 23rd Century

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“L.I.F.E. – Noun: an electronic machine implanted in citizens of the United States of America starting in the 23rd Century. Abbreviation for: Life-force Input and Feedback Equipment”.

L.I.F.E. in the 23rd Century: A Dystopian Tale of Consumerism, Corporate Coffee, and Crowbars by Jason R. Richter is exactly as the title states. This thinly veiled satire of American life will resonate with many readers. In a world 200 years from now, where everyone and everything is on high alert, and terrorist acts are constantly seen in every accident or non-compliance of the rules. Mass hysteria is not helped by the media whom aid the fear mongering with rumors and innuendos.

Can one man and a small team of ‘terrorists’ change the ways of America?! If so, then Pat McGewan-X04 may be that man! The patriotic cubicle production assistant becomes involved in a car accident on his way home from work, he walks away to be smack dab into the throws of the media’s biggest story of the week, they portray him as the sole survivor of the most vicious terrorist attack on home soil. Pat has to decide between a rock and a hard place, but which side will he take: the face of television Jack Flanery, who uses an old grudge to discredit Pat or America’s last librarian, Herb, who claims that Pat is destined to take the lead in the revolution and make Americans see the truth about the media? Well, you will have to read it to find out!

L.I.F.E. in the 23rd Century is certainly a truthful, but terrifying, look into the fear and paranoia that America and every country on this planet faces on a daily basis in today’s climate and war on terror. This book is very well written, and the protagonist’s first-person story telling helps the reader to follow the fast paced story.

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Star Count 4/5
Format eBook
Page Count 256 pages
Publisher Diskordian Press
Publish Date 2016-12-02
ISBN 97809978841
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue November 2016
Category Science Fiction & Fantasy


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