It’s Getting Dark: Stories
Peter Stamm is one of the more exciting young writers of Europe who yearns to spin a yarn and not just the typical neo-noir style novels that are chosen to be translated into English. This is a collection of stories written by Stamm all with the general based theme of darkness; whether that is literal, physical, or metaphorical darkness. Some stories take place at night, others take place in the twilight of one’s life and others are tales of darkness that lurks in the souls of people. Some of the stories are fairly lengthy, while others are just a few pages long. The stories are engrossing and not so long that it feels distracting or that it is work. The book is a fairly quick read and people can read them all in one go, or take their time and breaks between stories. This is not his first short story collection but is definitely one where the stories follow a particular idea to its logical conclusion. Not too complicated of a read and fairly enjoyable all the way through.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 240 pages |
Publisher | Other Press |
Publish Date | 14-Dec-2021 |
ISBN | 9781635420302 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | March 2022 |
Category | Poetry & Short Stories |
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