I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry

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I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry by Valerie Nifora beautifully captures the whirlwind highs and heartbreaking lows of love through succinct prose. Nifora’s poetry flows across the pages, wooing readers from one section to another. Her words will fill every reader’s heart and soul with warmth and joy as they evoke memories of a familiar love affair. With that said, her work also strikingly captures the emotions and emptiness of a love lost—one taken too soon or halted without closure. Readers will find comfort and tranquility in Nifora’s description of love arrested or thwarted. Pacifying the memories that we continue to hold dear long after a loved one has departed, Nifora provides discernment, and thereby peace, to readers seeking comfort. Through her words, we come to better understand the significance and beauty of a romance, regardless of how short-lived. Although her work describes pain, at times, through poetic verses, Nifora captures the revealing, and sometimes edifying, qualities of love. Her subtle language guides the reader without explicitly describing each intimate experience. Instead, she captures the essence of love from youth through maturity using simple analogies, moving phrases, and significant experiences.

Nifora begins the work with an exquisite piece titled “I Love You. Eternal.” In the piece, Nifora states “I love you. Eternal. / Until time does cease. / For in your soul, / I have found, / Perfect peace.” Her delicate, concise words capture the undying and ephemeral aspect of love, as well as the vacuum and hollowness of a love unfulfilled. The titles of each work arouse feelings of longing and yearning for an intimate touch that the subsequent composition tenderly and succinctly nurture and caress. Whether featured in a couple’s vows, shared during a momentous anniversary or incorporated into the normal day-to-day routine, this work will touch all those that experience her poignant words.

As readers delve between her pages, Nifora’s words will comfort the hearts broken by a recent loss or set those dormant butterflies afire. With each passage, readers will gain deeper insight into and appreciation of their own experiences, whether relished or barred. The versatility and beauty of her work easily garners Nifora’s collection 5 stars. This is the type of romantic collection readers can reread time and again. Valerie Nifora’s I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry is a breathtaking compilation of tender poetry that readers will enjoy rereading many times over the years to come.

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Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 108 pages
Publisher The Unapologetic Voice House
Publish Date 2019-12-05
ISBN 9781733419727
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue December 2019
Category Poetry & Short Stories


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