Green Metropolis: The Extraordinary Landscapes of New York City as Nature, History, and Design
As Central Park Administrator and advocate for historic landscape preservation, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers presents a dynamically vivid narrative describing how the terrain of the city has changed over the eons.
Starting with the basic geology and the climatic transformations she describes how the original topography has evolved with the times. Currently the influx of populations has caused the erosion of natural settings, but fortunately enlightened city planners have foreseen the need to promote and protect natural preserves within the urban environs. In addition to the iconic Central Park of Manhattan, and Brooklyn’s luxuriant Prospect Park, the author introduces us to seven special sites. Each of these sites has its own unique history, caretakers, and specific flora and fauna. Travel to these parks with the author and learn about the first explorers, its champions, the politics involved in its inception, the indigenous flora and fauna, the views visible from the site, and most especially the rich enjoyment shared by all who partake in it.
As a tenement child of immigrant parents, I still recall the magic of gamboling through the fairyland of Prospect Park nearly 80 years past. This is a resource that should be measured and treasured by city dwellers.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 240 pages |
Publisher | Knopf |
Publish Date | 19-Apr-2016 |
ISBN | 9781101875537 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2016 |
Category | Architecture & Photography |
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