Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection–Not Punishment–to Raise Confident, Capable Kids

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More and more parents every day are turning to the idea of positive parenting, of gentle discipline, wanting to raise their children without physical punishment, excessive yelling, or even connection-breaking techniques like time-out or a “naughty step.” But while it sounds beautiful in theory, many parents have no idea how to actually implement the ideas they read about on parenting blogs and in popular books. In her newest book, Sarah Ockwell-Smith offers plenty of guidance! Gentle Discipline tackles all the big topics: violent behavior, whining, sibling rivalry, and more. As in all of her books, she provides a basic level of background understanding necessary to discuss the topic at hand–in this case, both how a child’s brain grows and how a child learns, and how necessary it is to understand those in order for discipline to be truly effective. She offers plenty of ideas and actual scenarios that will help readers figure out how to apply those ideas to their own family life. Ockwell-Smith writes with a comforting, straightforward voice that readers will find easy to understand. She’s confident that she knows her topic and understands what parents are dealing with. This is an excellent book for anyone looking for new ideas.

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Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 272 pages
Publisher TarcherPerigee
Publish Date 2017-Aug-29
ISBN 9780143131892 Buy this Book
Issue October 2017
Category Parenting & Families


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