Forged of Fire: A New Adult Fantasy

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War is coming. Ashdon LaGoryen has spent many centuries living out of public view and far from his violent past. He can no longer ignore the ancient prophecies. But his bloodline and his status as head of the House of the Dragon will drag him back in. Kielyn Allister is a college art student whose only concern is her upcoming exams. With the guidance of the Oracle and her reluctant guardian angel, Kielyn and Ashdon were brought together. They were born to be together, but Dante and his army of hell want to destroy their love.

Forged of Fire is a new romantic fantasy from best-selling author Stacy Von Haegert. As a romance, Haegert introduces the readers to some very intriguing characters. She spends the time needed to develop her main characters without getting too wordy. Haegert builds an extravagant world of vampires, angels, and demons. As a fantasy story, she had the opportunity to make this darker but didn’t. The story could have been grittier. Character’s disagreements and differences are resolved without much conflict. This is a far better love story than an adventure fantasy. For fans of Haegert’s writing, this is the first book of her Forged series. Get ready for more to come.

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Star Count 3.5/5
Format eBook
Page Count 408 pages
Publisher Dragon Crest Publishing
Publish Date 06-Dec-2022
ISBN Buy this Book
Issue January 2023
Category Science Fiction & Fantasy