Family Don’t End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives
I am an unabashed nerd, a total fanboy for The X-Files, MST3K, all things Star Wars, and more. So I know a little something when it comes to fandom. And the fans devoted to the show Supernatural form a unique and wonderful group unlike anything else. They are a support system, a surrogate nuclear family drawn together by their shared love of a show about two brothers who never give up, who always keep fighting.
Family Don’t End With Blood is a celebration of the Supernatural fandom, sharing stories of how the show has changed peoples’ lives and how the fans have changed the lives of the cast and crew. Testimonials from actors like Jim Beaver, Kim Rhodes, and Jared Padalecki really bring home the idea that the fans and the creative team behind the show are united by the shared experience of making and watching it. This is no mere cash-grab tie-in praising the fans. It’s much more than that.
I don’t cry when I read books — not bragging or judging, just stating a fact — but the stories in this book brought me close to tears several times. That makes this book something rare and special.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 256 pages |
Publisher | Smart Pop |
Publish Date | 2017-May-09 |
ISBN | 9781944648350 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | June 2017 |
Category | Pop Culture |
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