Chaos follows the story of Lucas and Corinthe, who dare to fall in love back in their home world, a crime which earns Lucas the punishment of life on Earth. Separated from his soul-mate, Lucas relentlessly fights to again be with Corinthe, who is now dead, using time travel. Jasmine, Lucas’s sister, constantly offers to help her brother, only to have Lucas be even more secretive about his mission. Besides the siblings’ conflict, Jasmine has other issues going on. The Executors from her home planet have followed her to Earth to carry out her preordained fate of death. The brother and sister fight battles of their own on their planet of punishment, living a life of true chaos.
The novel is a gripping one, weaved with elements of mythology, romance, friendship, and suspense. The plot is carefully developed, complete with well-garnished, dynamic characters. With time travel already being a nebulous concept, the novel also includes two completely different stories, focusing on Lucas as well as Jasmine at the same time. The overlapping of tales, combined with time travel, creates a story that was often hard to keep up with. Besides this one weakness, Chaos was an excellent read which was thoroughly enjoyed.
Author | |
Star Count | 3/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 304 pages |
Publisher | Delacorte Press |
Publish Date | 2014-Jan-27 |
ISBN | 9780385742849 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2015 |
Category | Young Adult |
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