Animal Tails
Nothing in the world seems to fascinate young readers more than animals do. This sweet picture book will speak to children from about four to seven or eight, with a focus on tails. Not all tails are the same, and author Mary Holland’s text highlights the important differences for young readers in simple, straight-forward language. Whether it is a beaver steering as he swims or warning other beavers of danger or a fox keeping warm in winter wrapped in a furry tail or an opossum grasping with his tail as he climbs, kids will find the ways and reasons interesting and fun to learn about. While Holland gives plenty of space to familiar animals, she throws in a few that will be quite unexpected and add to the fun of this book. Wait until you read about the tortoise beetle and what he carries around on his tail! The text is set in large type that will allow the earliest of readers to have an easy time reading it. All the animals are also represented with wonderful close-up photographs that will delight youngsters. Several pages of back matter add to the fun and the learning.
Author | |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 32 pages |
Publisher | Arbordale Publishing |
Publish Date | 2017-Sep-10 |
ISBN | 9781628559774 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | January 2018 |
Category | Children's |
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