About Betty’s Boob

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About Betty’s Boob is a graphic novel told primarily in images, without dialog or narration. The story tells of a woman recovering from a battle with breast cancer that resulted in the removal of her left breast. Upon returning home, she finds that life with her boyfriend is no longer the same—nor does he see her in the same way after her mastectomy. Devastated by his rejection, she leaves on a slightly fanciful journey that leads her to find a troupe of people who accept her, and she learns to embrace her new body and the new possibilities it offers her.

This is a delightful, fanciful, and emotionally rewarding graphic novel. The novel abounds with visual symbolism—as you might expect from a graphic novel—from the straightforward use of crabs to symbolize cancer to the more subtle use of a wig to represent a past no longer in reach. The book spins a moving, and ultimately liberating, emotional experience through clever, bright, and vivid imagery that’s a pleasure to engage with. The storyline itself—of the resilient, empowerment-finding survivor-—is a bit unoriginal, but the creativity of the imagery goes some way in compensating.

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Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 192 pages
Publisher Archaia
Publish Date 2018-Jun-12
ISBN 9781684151646
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue September 2018
Category Sequential Art


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