A Crown of Wishes
In this companion novel to A Star-Touched Queen, Roshani Chokshi tells the adventures of Maya’s sister Gauri, disinherited princess of Bharata. Banished from home with a price on her head, Gauri has nothing to lose, but it is still a difficult decision to join forces with the foreign prince Vikram and enter the legendary Tournament of Wishes as a team. But Gauri will do nearly anything for a chance at a chance at taking her throne and saving her people from the cruelty of her brother’s reign. The story is a fast-paced adventure set primarily in Chokshi’s vividly imagined Otherworld. Magic and danger lurk around every turn, and Chokshi’s rich writing brings the world and characters to life. Chokshi balances multiple points of view with ease, creating unique voices, hopes, and desires for each of her characters and carefully weaving their lives together for a dramatic climax. Behind the action and peril, however, sizzles the slow-burn romance that builds up between Gauri and Vikram, fiery yet sweet. A Star-Touched Queen introduced readers to Bharata and the Otherworld, but A Crown of Wishes is a stronger sophomore offering from Chokshi, where everything she has imagined comes together for an epic and romantic tale.
Author | |
Star Count | 4.5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 384 pages |
Publisher | St. Martin's Griffin |
Publish Date | 2017-Mar-28 |
ISBN | 9781250085498 |
Bookshop.org | Buy this Book |
Issue | June 2017 |
Category | Young Adult |
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