A Crown of Ivy and Glass (The Middlemist Trilogy, 1)

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Lady Gemma begins much like Emma Woodhouse or Paris Hilton, the spoiled rich girl who has it all. She is allergic to the magic that is nearly ever-present in her world, making her sickly and frail. When she meets Talon d’Astier and they join forces to defeat a rival family and redeem Talon’s family’s reputation, their sleuthing leads Gemma to the demon she thinks can cure her affliction. But deeper, older powers are at work, and Gemma’s actions will only arouse it further.

A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Clare Legrand reads like YA, but much naughtier. Talon, as a love interest, is almost too good to be true and the other characters are unique and likable. The stakes feel real and escalate, with several surprise alliances and allies. I loved how Gemma’s illness could be read as an autoimmune disease and the ways of dealing with it were empathetic. The professions of love between the lovers did get on a bit, but the issue with love talk is the only person it’s interesting to are those involved within it. Altogether a very diverting read with a refreshing voice and the unique perspective of Lady Gemma.

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Star Count 4.5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 560 pages
Publisher Sourcebooks
Publish Date 13-Jun-2023
ISBN 9781728231990
Bookshop.org Buy this Book
Issue June 2023
Category Science Fiction & Fantasy