These tales blend rich world-building with profound character development, inviting readers into fantastical realms where love, identity, and heroism take center stage. From epic adventures and magical mysteries to enchanting romances and powerful journeys of self-discovery, these LGBTQ+ fantasy books not only captivate the imagination but also resonate deeply with themes of acceptance and belonging. Dive into these must-read LGBTQ+ fantasy novels and embark on journeys filled with wonder, courage, and the celebration of diverse identities.

Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne

Reyna and Kianthe dream of opening a cozy bookshop serving tea, but Reyna’s role as a Queen’s guard and Kianthe’s power as a mage complicate things. After Reyna is taken hostage by an assassin, she decides to leave her dangerous job. Kianthe, eager to escape her responsibilities, agrees. They move to Tawney, a town with more dragons than people, and start their dream shop. Their new adventure is filled with cozy moments, unexpected mishaps, and the Queen’s vengeful outbursts. Through comforting each other and quiet fireside chats, Reyna and Kianthe will discover the true depth of their love and their significance in the world.

Tor/Forge, $19.99, 352 pages


The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo

Leslie Bruin is sent by the Frontier Nursing Service to Spar Creek, a remote Appalachian town, with the tasks of vaccinating locals, delivering babies, and facing the judgment of religious townspeople who see him as a failed woman. Despite being shaped by his experiences on the Western Front and in Paris, Leslie is unprepared for the darkness lurking in Spar Creek. A sinister force within the local congregation targets a young person labeled an unruly tomboy. As violence threatens to erupt, Leslie must act swiftly. The hills and woods surrounding Spar Creek seem to have a mind of their own, filled with mysteries Leslie doesn’t yet understand. “The Woods All Black” is a gripping tale of passion, prejudice, and power. This Appalachian period piece delves into themes of reproductive justice, bodily autonomy, the horrors of small-town religiosity, and the fierce struggle to live authentically.

Tor/Forge, $19.99, 160 pages


Orphia And Eurydicius by Elyse John

Orphia, daughter of the sun god Apollo, dreams of more than the warrior skills she’s been taught. Her poetic gift, which can make flowers bloom and forests grow, is forbidden by her father. Inspired by a young shield-maker named Eurydicius, Orphia finds the courage to use her voice. After defeating a champion, she gains the attention of the gods and is protected by the Muses on Mount Parnassus. There, she hones her magical poetry, exploring history, love, and tragedy. Torn between her growing fame and her love for Eurydicius, Orphia joins the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece, facing dragons and sirens. Despite her success, she longs to return to Eurydicius and must undertake a darker journey, using her poetry to fight for their love.

Harper Collins, $18.99, 400 pages


Heartsong by TJ Klune

“Heartsong,” the third book in the Green Creek Series, follows Robbie Fontaine, who has always searched for a place to belong. After his mother’s death, he moves from pack to pack, forming temporary connections. This changes when he is summoned to Caswell, Maine, where he becomes the second-in-command to Michelle Hughes, the Alpha, and forms a close bond with a kind old witch. Here, Robbie learns the true meaning of being part of a pack and having a home. However, a mission from Michelle leads him to question his place and the truths he’s been told. With rumors of traitorous wolves and wild magic swirling, Robbie seeks answers, especially about Kelly Bennett. As the truth unfolds, Robbie’s world is set to be turned upside down.

Tor/Forge, $29.99, 480 pages