by editor | Aug 6, 2024 | Articles, Author Interviews, Uncategorized
Danica Nava is the first traditionally published indigenous woman in the romance genre. Her debut novel “The Truth According to Ember” follows the story of Ember Lee Cardinal, a Chickasaw woman, who lands the job of her dreams after lying, (well, only half...
by editor | Aug 12, 2019 | Articles, Author Interviews, Uncategorized, Written
Reviewer Jessica Tingling interviews Corey Croft about his new book, Coward. You can read her review of the book here. 1) JT: Why did you write Coward? CC: Short answer: I was frustrated with all of the things around me. A longer answer, and the true genesis of...
by Daniela McVicker | Jun 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
There’s no doubt that the rise of social media has changed the rules of book marketing. Irrespective of the type of book you are promoting, you will need social media to stand out from your competition. Writers need social media to make themselves visible and attract...